I'm also creeping towards 40 and I've had my fair share of creative slumps and bouts of crippling self-doubt. In recent months, I've found spending some of my time doing things which aren't directly related (journaling) or vaguely related (learning bookbinding to make my own sketchbooks) to drawing has helped keeping me inspired.

I'm in the throes of comic colouring at the moment which has been a struggle to get started with as I've very little experience in that area, so having journal entries or little sketchbook projects on the side have given me that little boost of energy and that feeling of "I can get shit done!".

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Happy belated birthday Adam :) Thank you for your post & the compassionate message. It's strange to observe the self doubt fog up my path to being an artist & instead of feeling sadness & pain, to be kind to myself. However, I will practice this more.

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I am 39 and in the same Boat. I know exactly how it feels! You are doing it right! Happy Birthday!

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a beautiful post! patience is underrated. Happy birthday, my friend!

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Adam

I recently realized I’m not ready yet. Following Bukowski’s advice “don’t try” and patiently waiting until it comes “bursting out of me” if ever.

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Happy Birthday, Adam!

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This was encouraging, and sorely needed. Thank you!

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